Home > Jeux de rôle > Star Wars > Règles > Star Wars D6 > Les Pouvoirs de la Force > Pouvoirs de Contrôle > Blackness (English)
Star Wars
Blackness (English)
Saturday 13 August 2005, by
Control Difficulty : Moderate
Required Powers : Hibernation trance, force lightning, injure/kill
Note : This power can only be used by characters who have been consumed by the Dark Side.
This power can be kept "up".
Effect : This power enshrouds a Dark Jedi in a camouflaging veil of the Dark Side. The power roll is added to the difficulty of any Sense roll of a power attempting to detect the presence of the user of this power. It also subtracts 2D from any skill attepmpts to perceive them, or 4D if the power roll succeeds by 15 or more. The power causes people to overlook the user as he or she blends into the surroundings and any smells or sound eminating from them are muffled. The user of this power still may make skill checks as usual while the power is "up" (i.e. at a -1D penalty). However, the user may not use combat oriented Force powers while this power is kept "up" (e.g. lightsaber combat, combat sense, injure/kill, telekinetic kill, inflict pain, etc.).
This power does not affect electronic life-form sensors.
From Star Wars Roleplaying Game Mailing List.